This is a huge problem inside of this industry and we are aware of it, this is why our approach to training is unique, the entire first module consist of extremely high-level mindset coaching, I have worked with some of the world leading entrepreneurs and spent well over $50,000 on personal development, everything I have learned that helped me become self-accountable, consistent and measurably effective is inside of this module. In truth if the first part of this training does not get you motivated and keep you taking action then there is nothing that will.
On top of this we have the daily coaching server where I will be encouraging you consistently to keep chipping away at your dreams, I will become your personal accountability partner and I will call you out should you fall behind, this is the most important business you have ever been involved with, there is no room to slack off.
We also have one more little motivation technique, you will receive a weekly email from me asking how you went with the specific module, I do expect to hear back from you.
Now as for not getting results, there is very little to say here but if you do follow the program step by step, stay accountable and implement the productivity measuring techniques taught inside the program then it’s not even possible for you to get zero results.