Part-time Contractor Coaching Agreement 4hr Shift

Agreement made between Archived Press PTY LTD (Company) and the service contractor.

Job Description:

This position entails the general support of students. It requires daily interaction with all students inside of the various technology platforms used for communication in the Period Time Publishing (PTP) program. These platforms are but not limited to

  • Discord – Group chats and PMs
  • Facebook – Members group
  • Zoom – When required
  • Screecastomatic – For video support

The coach will be expected to check in on the above platforms daily to ensure no student is stuck on a roadblock, if a student does have a problem, it will be the responsibility of the coach to help them overcome the problem in any way possible.

What does this look like?

In most cases we want students to film the problem they are encountering and post it on the Discord group coaching chat, this way the coach can assess it, replicate it and then film a video in response that offers the solution to this issue. This is the model we attempt to uphold.

In some cases, students do not film but explain the issue in text, you must do what is necessary to understand the problem and help them overcome it, this may include asking them to screencast the issue for a better understanding if required.

As a coach, you will also be responsible for motivating the students through the hard times, being sympathetic to their plight, and remaining well-mannered and emotionally impartial at all times. it’s not just technical support required but emotional. Some students get frustrated with the process but coaches have to see through that surface frustration and help them to fix a limiting belief within themselves as well, this is the premise of being a good coach.

At times we find students may have special circumstances, for example, a learning disability, in these cases it is important that we offer them special attention that is reasonable. For example, a student like this may require a face-to-face explanation, meaning a 30-minute zoom call to discuss the process in more detail but only after they have tried to understand the video content supplied in the course first. This should only be used in special circumstances and only if 100% necessary to get them over their roadblock.

It is also necessary to understand that if the issue that a student is experiencing is outside the scope of the program that it is not the coach's responsibility to help them solve it, coach's can offer a pathway to a solution but we can not support students on issues that are out of our control. For example, if a student has BIOS hotkeys on their windows laptop that are causing issues with Microsoft word hotkeys, we can tell them what the issue seems to be but they will have to solve the tech problem on their laptop themselves.

Some are duties of a coach may be but are not limited to, doing student book reviews, liaising with other team members, filming official training material, leading a team, brainstorming program ideas with the team or solo, offering ideas and improvements to the official program, testing new strategies and offering feedback.


Support for coaches:

At times a coach may not be able to solve an issue or it may fall out of scope in your current publishing knowledge, in this instance, you can contact Dan Pye and ask for his opinion or for him to take over the support for this particular student if the issue is very complex, this can be done by way of a Discord PM, team chat or by simply tagging Dan in the chat where the problem is.


Special Access:

As a coach, it is imperative that you are kept up to date with the latest training, as program updates are tested and being considered for future involvement inside the program you will be given access to run the strategy yourself first to make improvements and iron out any bugs and second become familiar with the process in order to offer effective and relevant support to students moving forward.

Coaches will also be added as moderators on our Facebook group and have the power to uphold the rules where required, also a coach can accept or decline new members. Any major breach in the group rules such as rudeness to other students must be reported to Dan immediately.

Coaches should create a free Calendly account and create an appointment calendar for special circumstance student support appointments over zoom.

You will be granted strictly confidential access to certain inner workings of the business, leads, and relationships, any observable content is property of the Archived Press PTY LTD company and any leaks or theft will be met with swift legal action. The same goes for any other access granted on all platforms.


Working Hours:

4 hours per day from Monday to Saturday or 96 hours per month. If you decide to cease active employment 4 weeks' written notice is required.



The pay for this part-time independent contractor position is $1920 USD per month. This will be paid through PayPal automatically on the 30th of every month. There is an opportunity for a full-time position moving forward.



As this agreement is for contracted services, no leave of any kind is legally required, however, as agreed between the involved parties the following paid leave allowances have been granted:
20 contracted working days per annum.
5 contracted sick days per annum.
All National public holidays are paid in full - United Kingdom only.
No annual accrual.


  1. The staff member taking leave must ensure that, as temp availability allows their shifts are covered, if the shift cannot be covered the staff member must report this to their direct manager. In addition, you must ensure that the temp coach covering the shift has the correct tools at their disposal to effectively undergo the tasks required, these tools include access to the up-to-date coaching procedures and a quick handover brief indicating any urgent issues that may need immediate attention. If there is a time zone difference the precise dates of leave must be presented to the temp coach in their time zone to avoid confusion or overlap.
  2. Fill in the company google calendar to indicate your days off, also indicate in the calendar which casual staff member covered you (casual staff work 1 hour in the morning and one hour in the evening only).
  3. Fill in the Annual leave sheet to track your days off.


Tools required:  



This outline is subject to change at any time and should be expected to change as the program evolves, all changes will be put into writing and added as an ammendment to this contract.


Legally binding contract:

I agree to all terms outlined in this offer of contracted employment. I will abide by all of the above outlined when conducting business in the contracted employment of and while representing the Archived Press PTY LTD Company.


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Signed by Brendan Pye
Signed On: August 15, 2023

Signature Certificate
Document name: Part-time Contractor Coaching Agreement 4hr Shift
lock iconUnique Document ID: 9b2e7ccebaae51a6a09f259bc07e884c17706183
Timestamp Audit
May 23, 2023 12:09 pm AESTPart-time Contractor Coaching Agreement 4hr Shift Uploaded by Brendan Pye - IP