Welcome to the Next Chapter of Your Publishing Journey!

PTP is closing for good-but not for you!

Enhance your experience exclusive access to our new subscription-only features for at just $30 a month.

As part of our commitment to providing unmatched value and superior support, we are excited to introduce our new subscription model. This evolution marks a significant step towards enriching our community resources, deepening your learning experience, and ensuring you have every tool you need to succeed in the competitive world of publishing.

Beginning 01/06/2024, for just $30 per month, you'll gain access to an enhanced suite of services designed to elevate your publishing game to new heights.

Here is What This Model Holds for You!

Continued Server Access Grants you the Following!

Ongoing Daily Coaching and Support
Continue to access and enhance your daily coaching support, experiencing unprecedented growth and results, with our new features.
VALUE: $25 Per Month
Ongoing Course and Coaching Updates
Stay Ahead in Public Domain Publishing. As the best in the world, we daily track market trends and adapt strategies, keeping you informed and ready to pivot for success in your business.
VALUE: $15 Per Month
Public Domain Q&A Database
Access to exclusive knowledge, video tutorials, and unique publishing insights - found nowhere else on earth.
VALUE: $50 Per Month
Unique 12 Hour Policy
Expect your business queries resolved within 12 hours, showcasing our unparalleled dedication to your success.
VALUE: $15 Per Month
Community Cohesion that is Irreplacable 
Our world-class publishing community now features daily coach correspondence posts, making it even more valuable and robust.
VALUE: $25 Per Month
Added services NEW advanced features...
BONUS: Win an Account Review Done by Dan
Massive Annual Subscriber Benefit. Each year, Dan personally selects a subscriber to meticulously analyze and optimize their account, live in the community.
VALUE: $900 ($75 per month)
BONUS: An Invaluable Book Review Biannually
Stay subscribed and receive a complimentary, in-depth book review every six months from our team—an invaluable tool for our students.
VALUE: $200 ($35 per month)
BONUS: Live Q&A with Dan Bi-Monthly
Join Dan on live video in the server every two months for strategic insights and guidance tailored to drive your publishing success like no one else can.
VALUE: $45 Per Month
BONUS: Access to our book review database
Access thousands of hours of detailed video reviews on fellow publishers' books, offering irreplaceable insights and unparalleled value.
VALUE: $35 Per Month
BONUS: Positive daily community engagement
Entrepreneurship doesn't have to be solitary. New positive daily engagement and collaboration. Together, let's achieve our goals!
✅ Ongoing Daily Coaching and Support
Continue to access and enhance your daily coaching support, experiencing unprecedented growth and results, with our new features.
VALUE: $25 Per Month
✅ Ongoing Course and Coaching Updates
Stay Ahead in Public Domain Publishing. As the best in the world, we daily track market trends and adapt strategies, keeping you informed and ready to pivot for success in your business.
VALUE: $15 Per Month
✅ Public DOmain Q&A Database
Access to exclusive knowledge, video tutorials, and unique publishing insights - found nowhere else on earth.
VALUE: $50 Per Month
✅ Unique 12-Hour Policy
Expect your business queries resolved within 12 hours, showcasing our unparalleled dedication to your success.
VALUE: $15 Per Month
✅ Community Cohesion that is Irreplacable
Our world-class publishing community now features daily coach correspondence posts, making it even more valuable and robust.
VALUE: $25 Per Month
Added Services - NEW Advanced Features...
☑️ BONUS: Win an Account Review Done by Dan
Massive Annual Subscriber Benefit. Each year, Dan personally selects a subscriber to meticulously analyze and optimize their account, live in the community.
VALUE: $900 ($75 per month)
☑️ BONUS: An Invaluable Book Review Biannually
Stay subscribed and receive a complimentary, in-depth book review every six months from our team—an invaluable tool for our students.
VALUE: $200 ($35 per month)
☑️ BONUS: Live Q&A with Dan Bi-Monthly
Join Dan on live video in the server every two months for strategic insights and guidance tailored to drive your publishing success like no one else can.
VALUE: $45 Per Month
☑️ BONUS: Access to our book review database
Access thousands of hours of detailed video reviews on fellow publishers' books, offering irreplaceable insights and unparalleled value.
VALUE: $35 Per Month
☑️ BONUS: Positive daily community engagement
Entrepreneurship doesn't have to be solitary. New positive daily engagement and collaboration. Together, let's achieve our goals!
For Next to Nothing
VALUE $320 Per Month - TODAY ONLY $30

$30 Per month Equal to A few cups of coffee!


This program was the best decision I ever made. Thank you for coaching us ans showing us the way towards financial independence.

Edyta J PTP Student

Thanks so much for the review of my book, I am so happy to have found this program and the review is so thorough, nothing like I imagined. 

Mel  PTP Student

So thankful I am in this program, Dan and the coaches. I am so thankful for the income KDP is bringing in every month. It's enough to cover my rent & more.

Tiff PTP Student

Here is What's New
Our already extremely valuable coaching service is getting even more value!

Live Q&A with Dan Bi-Monthly.

Sometimes you need deeper questions answered, sometimes you need innovation, critical thinking and strategic solutions to your business issues. There are times you need a long term professional publisher to gaze over your business, that's what this service is. Bi-monthly Dan will go live inside the server and deep dive into your most pressing issues.

An Invaluable Book Review Biannually.

You're familiar with the benefits of our book review and coach assessment service. We’re now offering two additional complimentary assessments each year. This valuable enhancement helps ensure your long-term vision remains clear and your path to achieving your goals stays direct, even as circumstances evolve. Stay on track and continue to thrive with this extended support.

Win an Account Review Done by Dan.

Complementary to our book assessments, this annual subscriber benefit is incredible. Each year, Dan personally selects a subscriber for a live KDP account analysis and optimization within the community. Not only will the selected subscriber gain valuable insights, but the entire community will also learn how to assess overall account health. (All earnings data will be omitted from the video).

Access to our book review database.

Gain access to thousands of hours of detailed video book assessments and reviews. This library offers irreplaceable insights into this world, covering a wide array of topics including formatting, covers, sales, and marketing strategies. Witness firsthand what students are doing right, where they can improve, how they can improve and more. The value of this ever-growing database is immense and truly beyond measure.

Positive daily community engagement.

Entrepreneurship doesn't have to be solitary. We are dedicated to cultivating a vibrant, supportive community. Expect daily posts in our server that foster positive engagement, ensuring every student can contribute, connect with others, and raise any overlooked questions. Let’s unite and achieve our goals together!

Our Clients - On Live Q&A's


I Have Concerns!

This is perfectly normal,  let's go over some of these concerns below.

"I already know this business I dont need anymore help".

True mastery requires continuous learning and adaptation. Our advanced services cover emerging trends and deeper insights into strategy and operations. Benefit from our expert analyses and case studies that ensure you remain at the forefront of the publishing industry.

"I haven't seen any results yet, why would I bother?".

Feel like you’re spinning your wheels? We’re introducing targeted, outcome-oriented workshops and live Q&A sessions to address your specific challenges. Our enhanced tracking and personalized feedback are designed to pinpoint what's missing, transform your approach, and ensure you see the impact where it matters most – in your results.

"I'm not even using this business model, I have not found the time".

We know life can get busy, which is why our new model is built to fit your schedule. With on-demand access to all coaching sessions, a new series of bite-sized learning resources, and interactive community challenges, you can engage at your pace, on your time, and keep your publishing goals on track.

Our Clients - On Coaching



Q1. Can I cancel at anytime?"

Yes, you have complete control of your account directly in the dashboard and we have no lock in contracts.

Q2. Whats included in the subscription?"

Everything, the course, all future updates tot he course and program, the daily coaching, our databases, the new services like account reviews, lives with Dan and more. We leave nothing out for the small fee of $30 per month.

Q3. How can I make the most out of my subscription?"

To maximize the benefits of your subscription, we recommend engaging regularly with our community, attending live Q&As, and utilizing the extensive resources in our library. Setting personal learning goals and scheduling time weekly to focus on these resources can also enhance your experience.

Need More Results?
See the results students are getting?

*Testimonials are direct from students and results are unique and proportionate to the work put in by individuals. Your results will vary depending on unique factors assigned to you. We do not guarantee any earnings or that you will make a profit. 

Income Report



To explode your business Without all the common roadbloacks?

Subscribe today and transform your potential into real-world success. Your next chapter starts now!
