PTP Featured in the Kindleperneur News Letter
Today we were featured in the Kindleperneur newsletter.
What a privilege it is to be recognized for our craft!
Dave and team you have my sincere thanks.
Public Domain publishing is in our blood, at PTP we have much to offer the world, through our publishing endeavors, providing needed culture to the modern world, and also through our training and coaching endeavors where we focus on restoring lost wisdom to the planet and changing lives in the process.
Nothing instills a stronger sense of achievement than providing people freedom through knowledge, The Public Domain is a wealth of knowledge, with every book I publish I learn more about the world that was and the world that is.
Every book I sell teaches another about the world that was and the world that is.
Every student I teach learns more about the world that was and the world that is, while simultaneously freeing themselves and consequently their families from a potential life of tax-paying nothingness.
Yes indeed, this line of work was built by me, for me, but it is not just for me, it can be for you as well, if you would like to learn more simply click here!